Our Mission Statement:

Create a community to play and create entertaining virtual scavanger hunts.


Go to our Registration page and enter the required information.
Go to the Login page. There will be a link towards the bottom of the form, "Forgot Password". Click this link and follow the directions to recover your account.
First thing to do, is to try it again, ensuring that you typed your e-mail address in correctly. Secondly, ensure that the e-mail you typed in is the one that you are registered with on this site. If the e-mail address that you entered is not present in the system, it will not send a reset link e-mail.

Lastly, if all of that fails, Ask Us for help. We will do our best to help get you back hunting!
When logged in, go to your user Dashboard. On the Dashboard look for item you wish to edit/update. Look for the link to edit/update the item that you are looking for. If you are having issues, please Contact Us and we will help you update your information.
Choose the "Logout" link in the upper right corner of the page. This link will only be present when you are logged in. But truthfully, there is no need to log out. All communications between your browser and our servers are ssl encrypted. Your login tokens are stored on your machine. We will ensure that you are automatically logged out.
There is no way for a user to delete their account. Your subscription can expire, which means you cannot run or create any more hunts, but your account will still be available for you to login. Also any stats that you have from running hunts or any hunts that you have created will still be available.

If you truly wish for all of your user information to be deleted, you can Ask Us and we will ensure that your user account is inactive and unable to be logged into. But...all stats that you have from running hunts or any hunts that you have created will still be available to the community.
We link your username to all of you user stats and Hunt Author pages. To ensure that you don't lose any of your stats or credit for the hunts that you have created, we lock our users into their first chosen username.
From your user dashboard, select the "Enable" option under Two Factor Authentication. On your mobile device install the Google Authenticator App from the Google Play store or Apple App store.

When installed, use the app to scan the QR code on the Two Factor Authentication Enable page at MapHunting.com. Once you have successfully scanned the QR code and have a valid entry for MapHunting.com, you can click the "Activate" button. You will be redirected back to the dashboard.

On your next login attempt you will enter your username/password as you would normally be asked for. Once these have been validated you will be redirected to another page to enter the code from the Google Authenticator App.

Enter the current code listed in the App into the field and click the "Check Code" button before the code expires in the App. If the code is correct you will be redirected to your user dashboard. If it is incorrect, you will be returned back to the login page to start the process over again.

The Google Authenticator app selects a new code every 30 seconds. It is best if there is little time left on the current code, to wait for the next code and enter it as it appears. Only the current code displayed will pass the check.

If you have enabled Two Factor Authentication and have issues logging into the site, have changed devices, or need to have it disabled, please Contact Us and we will attempt to help you disable Two Factor Authentication.

NOTE: If you disable two factor authentication at any time and then re-enable it later. You will need to re-scan the QR code. A new QR code is generated each and every time you attempt to enable Two Factor Authentication. This is a security feature to prevent re-usage of codes.
From your user dashboard, select "Disable" under Two Factor Authentication. You will be asked if you are sure you wish to do this. If you select "Ok", Two Factor Authentication will be disabled and you will be re-directed to the user dashbboard.

At this point, you should delete the entry from Google Authenticator. As is mentioned in the previous question, if you re-enable Two Factor Authentication at this point, a new QR code will be generated. Your current Google Authenticator entry is no longer valid.


When logged in, from the user dashboard, click on the Subscribe link in the top navigation or the "Subscibe" button in the Subscription field in your user Dashboard. Here you can choose between the available subscriptions. Select the subscription you wish to add and select the PayPal payment option that best suits you.

Once the card is successfully charged, you will be redirected back to the user dashboard where you can see that your subscription is active along with which subscription you chose.

When your subscription expiration date is within 14 days of expiring we will send you a reminder that your subscription is ending.
With our subscriptions, as long as you have a valid payment method in place the card will be automatically charged on your renewal date.
PayPal will email you when your subscription is successful. Please retain this for your records.
MapHunting.com does not have access to your credit card. We utilize a third party payment processor that takes the information you enter and proceses the charges for us. We never see or have access to your card information.

Map Hunting

Hunts have been verified using the websites that are linked to start. You should be able to use other programs such as VR Google Earth, Goole Maps apps, etc to replicate. Although we did not verify the hunts using those platforms.
Some clues are difficult to see, especially on expert. The larger the monitor the better. Clues have been written using a computer monitor. Phones screens are small which may make it more difficult to see clues. Casting your phone/computer to a television for a larger screen is recommended. Using Google Earth in VR formats may also work.
We keep stats on all of the hunts being run. Plus a lot of the logic that allows us to provide the hunts to you depends on the core of our database. Thus, it would be a huge undertaking to allow non-users to run the freebie hunts. Thus, it simplifies our code and allows us to share logic for the freebies and the paid hunts.

Clues / Hints / Locations

There will be times when you are on a two-way roadway that you will be driving on the wrong side of the road. This is only in cases where there is one set of images for both directions of roadways. If you are on a one-way street, you need to follow the direction of traffic (unless told otherwise).
The hints and the clues do not cost additional money. They are there to help you out. This is supposed to be fun and we do not want you to be frustrated because you were looking in the wrong spot.
First confirm with the show location that you are in the correct spot for the answer. Second make sure you did not add any additional spaces or punctuation in the answer. Most of the answers require only one word or number based on the exact spelling on the sign. If this doesn’t work please report to admin HERE.
When logged in, look for the Help Link. You can fill out the form and let us know what you found. When doing so, please select the correct "Topic" so we know that we have a hunt that we have to look into. Depending upon the issue found, we may even deactivate that hunt to ensure that others don't have the same issue.

Once we've resolved the issue, we will let you know that we have addressed it. If we had to deactivate the hunt because of the problem, we will re-activate it.

Creating a Hunt

We offer this service to longer term members. We want people that have completed hunts to understand the feel for how the hunts are typically written. Each hunt that is written by members, is reviewed prior to publishing. We would like to make sure that people writing hunts are committed to this website and the Map Hunting community. We hope that this will equate to better quality hunts for all site members.
We want to make sure that all hunts are family friendly. We need time to review routes, clues and locations prior to publishing. Don't fret, we will get it published just as quickly as we can. When it is published, you will receive an email indicating that the hunt is live.
Coming Soon!
Site admins will retire a hunt if it has been reported that some of the links, hints, or content in the hunt are no longer valid based on the current state of the mapping application linked to. The user has the ability to edit the hunt and re-submit for moderation to correct the situation.
MapHunting.com uses cookies to improve your experience on our site. Heck, who doesn't these days. Since we utilize cookies we have to notify you that they are there. We use them to help keep track of what you are doing on the site and to track traffic trends. By continuing to use our site you consent to the use of our cookies.
Thanks for understanding!